7 Reasons For Why is My Lawn Mower Spitting out Grass?

Why is My Lawn Mower Spitting out Grass

Grass upkeep includes routine lawn mowing. You might need to mow your lawn every week in the summer because that is when it grows the fastest. But every now and again, problems occur that have homeowners baffled, such as, “Why is my lawn mower spitting out grass?” If your lawn mower starts spitting out grass, there may be a problem. You might be cutting damp grass or mowing too much if this is happening. Sometimes there may be more factors at play.

Due to ancient grasses, your deck lacks adequate room for airflow. Wet grass and dirt can reduce the mower deck’s surface area and cause clumps and blockages. In addition to these, blade and engine problems might make it difficult to mow your grass.

Why is my lawn mower spitting out grass? Check out the 7 spots and solutions

There are a number of causes for the lawnmower machine to spit grass back onto the ground as opposed to dropping it into the bag. You should be able to identify the issue through a process of elimination, fix it, and resume your regular lawn care activities quickly.

The Grass is very wet

It’s rarely a smart idea to mow a damp lawn, especially if you want to do as little cleanup afterward. Wet grass is relatively simple to cut, however the grass’s dampness may cause obstructions up to the mower deck. When the grass is excessively moist, it adheres to the mower blades and, like long grass, produces clumps that the mower subsequently spits off. Again, your computer won’t be harmed, but doing this will make things much more challenging, especially when cleaning up.

It’s seldom a smart idea to mow damp grass, particularly if you want such little cleaning after the operation as possible. Although cutting wet grass is relatively simple, the wetness of the grass may cause obstructions up to the mower deck. When the grass is excessively moist, it adheres to the mower blades and produces clumps that are subsequently spat out of the mower, just like the long grass does. Once more, your system won’t be harmed by this, but it will make things harder, particularly when it comes to cleanup.

The Grass is too tall

Another approach to get grass spewing out from beneath your mower is to wait until the grass is too tall to cut. Because cutting higher grass is challenging, there is a potential that the lawnmower machine will spit out the grass when it is longer than usual.

Therefore, it is frequently inferred that using the mower should be handled at the proper time to prevent the grass from growing longer than the typical length because doing so will involve more work from the user and will also spit out the grass.

The mower should be set to a longer setting so that it may cut part (but not all) of the grass on the initial pass. After trimming the portion of the length, you may switch to a shorter option to complete the task.

The Deck of the dirty mower

A lot of folks will spend a whole year without ever turning their mower over to check what’s happening under the deck. If they do, they are frequently met by a dense layer of grass clippings that have adhered to the bottom, providing just enough space for the blade to turn. In order for the mower to function correctly, the underside must be spotless and smooth, allowing the clippings to flow freely into the chute. Several of those clippings won’t reach the chute if the bottom of the mower deck is jammed. Instead, they’ll spew out in all areas as they approach.

The Chute for the grass is blocked

Regardless of whether it’s an electric or gasoline lawn mower, the chopped grass is directed into a basket by a grass chute. This grass funnel can occasionally become blocked, making it difficult for the grass to adequately enter the collecting basket. When this occurs, the freshly cut grass is left with nowhere to go and eventually shoots out in all directions.

The chute might become blocked for reasons more than merely wet or tall grass. Mud and other debris may be driven into the mechanism if the grass is trimmed too short. Similarly, to the last example, if you cut the grass before emptying the basket or chute correctly, there’s a risk that the grass caked itself on and created a clog.

Blades those are dull

Before operating the land mower, the user must make sure that all of the tool’s components support the machine’s engine; otherwise, the operation of cutting the grass will not go without difficulty, which might result in grass spitting. For instance, if indeed the land mower machine’s blades are more forceful or do not include sharp blades, there is a potential that the grass won’t be cut evenly. When grass clippings are chopped unevenly, some thatch may enter the bag while the remainder spits out, giving the lawn an untidy appearance.

A Grass catcher that doesn’t tit well

There is also a potential that the bag that is linked to the lawnmower machine is accidentally not set up correctly; this is one of the causes of the bag spitting out grass frequently since some of the grass that is chopped will go into the bag and some will come out. If the catcher was just not mounted correctly, the issue may be resolved very easily. However, it will need to be replaced if the catcher is damaged or missing.

Incorrect or damaged bags

Previously, the bags used in bagger systems were made of fabric, and if they developed a hole, they might occasionally be mended. Nowadays, the majorities of bags is composed of mesh or loosely woven polyester or nylon and are difficult to repair.

Based on the amount of dirt or debris you gather and whether anything gets stuck in the bag, the lifetime of a bag can range from two to three years.


Ownership of a lawn mower is not without its challenges. If you own a lawn mower long enough, you’ll inevitably encounter a variety of issues, including starting, smoking, spilling, cutting, and heating. There must be a rational explanation if your lawn mower is spewing out grass. To solve the problem and get your mower working again, use the instructions from above.