Maintaining a Lawn Care Schedule for Year Round Healthy Lawn

Maintaining a Lawn Care Schedule for Year Round Healthy Lawn

Today you are going to read the complete Maintaining a Lawn Care Schedule for Year Round Healthy Lawn [Essential Information]. Different locations experience different climatic conditions. In fact, while some people are busy basking in the sun, others are dressed to the teeth in warm clothing to fight off the cold.

This different weather patterns will affect how you maintain your lawn. Whether it’s early spring or winter, whether you are in a sunny locating or a rainy one, one thing remains certain, your lawn care schedule need to be fixed and predictable.

Let us consider the steps we can follow during different seasons to ensure a properly maintained healthy lawn.

Early Spring: Assessment and Preparation

Moving from the tight grasp of winter, and the snow finally starts to melt, this is the perfect time to take out the maintenance book you’ve been drafting out during the cold spell.

Take a look at the current state of your lawn plus its surroundings. Are the hedges in need of pruning? Are the bushes requiring trimming? If so decide if you are going to undertake these tasks yourself or you will need the help of a qualified professional.

When it comes to how well your lawn is leveled, nothing beats water at pointing out depressions that came about during the snowy months. In case you find puddles this is indicative of a need for aeration or simply filling the holes before the main work can begin.

You will also need to take a trip to the garage and inspect the instruments of war. I mean the lawn mower. Does it need servicing? How does it start? Are the spark plugs in good condition? Do you need to change the filters?  All this needs to be checked as you are going to require the lawn mower’s service pretty soon.

And that is not the only thing, check your rakes and shovels and ensure that they are in proper conditions for the task ahead.

This is also the right time to go to the local store and pick up fertilizer, grass seeds and mulch as well as stuff to help you keep the weed in check.

Mid Spring: Time to Get Going

It is now time to pick up that rake and do what is known as dethatching. This is where you remove all the twigs and branches as well as the leaves from the previous season.

You will also need to check the soil’s PH. Two ways you can go about this. You can take soil sample and send it to a lab where a professional can take a look or you can simply get yourself a testing kit. These are easy to obtain form the department store and are also quite affordable at around $10.

Mid spring is also time for aeration. In case you are not familiar with the term, this simply means creating sections in the grass that allow the grass roots to expand. This also allows fertilizer to be easily absorbed.

Don’t forget to mow your lawn. When doing so, ensure you do not cut it too close to the ground. This will help the grass to photosynthesize better which also results in a deeper and stronger root system.

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Late spring: Feeding the Lawn

We have now gotten to the time where you need to ensure the lawn is properly fertigated. This also means ensuring that the grass in the perfect environment to grow.

One of the ways to do this is through regulation of the soil PH. After the results have come in through the earlier test you did, check whether the soil is too high or too low in PH. For optimum growth rate, the soil needs to be within a certain range of PH.

To obtain the right information, it is advisable that you consult a gardening expert. They will be in a better position to help you make the necessary adjustments.

Once everything is in place and the fertilizer has been added, you can watch the lawn slowly and gradually take shape.

Also, You can visit Spring Lawn care Tips for a Lush, Green Lawn [An Expert Opinion] and 6 Best Lawn Edging Ideas for a Modern Home and The 8 Best Riding Lawn Mower Engine For Trouble-Free Mowing

Lawn Care Schedule for Summer time: Trimming and Watering

This is usually the time when the lawn is in full splendor. The grass is growing rapidly and after all the work you have put in, it’s lush and green.

It’s now time to trim the lawn. Be careful not to cut too close to the ground. The recommended height is removing just 1/3 of the height.

Instead of watering regularly, you should opt to do this just once a week. During this time, ensure the lawn is well soaked. This will result in a healthier root system.

When watering your lawn, pick the right time to prevent fungus from infecting the grass. This is usually during morning hours when the warm sun keeps the leaves dry yet doesn’t evaporate the water in the soil.

Lawn Care Schedule Fall Time: Reseeding and Getting Ready for the Cold

It is not unlikely to find dry patches in your lawn. These will be brought about by the intense sun. Pick this time to reseed these drought stricken areas all while being careful to do it the right way.

Time to re-fertilize. This will go a long way towards ensuring a strong and healthy root system. When the grass finally starts to get ready for the coming winter, it will enter its dormant state in the best condition to rejuvenate once the temperatures come back up again.

Let’s consider the weed situation. Once the first snowflakes start to drop, the weed just like the grass will begin to get ready for the cold winter months. This means putting enough energy into the development of their roots.

If this trend is allowed to continue, you will have an incredibly hard time dealing with the weed when the temperatures rise. Now’s the time to get them gone. Whether using a herbicide or manually plucking them out, ensure they are all gone before the dormant state.


Maintaining a Lawn Care Schedule for Year Round Healthy Lawn By following a set of well-established rules, maintaining your lawn need not be a difficult affair. Simply know what you need to do and when and everything should be ship-shape!